User’s manual: FS-Reflexion
Analyse measurements
In this section you can find important information how to analyse graphical representations.
Unfortunately it is not possible to discuss every single measuring result because of its many
uncountable forms of appearance.
During the work with the
control unit
you already noticed the frequency-energy-graph. In every
measured point, no matter if recorded in
Scan Mode
Check Mode
of operating mode
Scan Mode
Deep Scan Mode
the frequency-energy-graph is visible as a result. In figure
such a graph is illustrated.
Figure 46: Frequency-energy-graph (example 1)
The grey colored graph represents the raw data as distribution of energy, the green colored
graph shows the average value of the energy in the range of all frequencies and the yellow
graph displays an interpolated distribution of energy. The diagram in figure
shows a typical
measurement result on normal ground without any occurences. There are no large disturbances
visible. The average value is typically very high. The red point in the diagram shows that there
has no discovery to be expected.
Figure 47: Frequency-energy-graph (example 2)
In figure
there are 2 maximum values visible. The first value is at 6,5 Hz and the second
value is at 20 Hz. The average value is situated lower than in the first example. But it is not
typically that there are two extreme values in such a large distance to each other. It could be a
seismic disturbance. The green-yellow colored point inside the diagram indicates that it can be
possible that there is a discovery.
OKM Ortungstechnik GmbH