Oklahoma Sound 711 Product Handbook Download Page 4

oPtIonaL / addItIonaL equIPMent

Your lectern includes two corded microphones. 

For complete freedom of movement, use any of these wireless systems.

Hand-HeLd wIreLeSS MIc / LwM-5

This wireless hand-held mic uses a 9-volt battery. Select channel A or B  

to eliminate outside frequency interruption. Move freely up to 200 ft. away!

tIe-cLIP LaVeLIer wIreLeSS MIc / LwM-6

includes pocket-size transmitter with a clip-on mic. Uses a 9-volt battery. Select channel A or B  

to eliminate outside frequency interruption. Move freely up to 200 ft. away!

HeadSet wIreLeSS MIc / LwM-7

includes pocket-size transmitter with a headset mic. Uses a 9-volt battery. Select channel A or B  

to eliminate outside frequency interruption. Move freely up to 200 ft. away!

12V Lantern StYLe recHarGeabLe batterY / #PS12V

12V 5 amp rechargeable battery pack w/included cable

connects to any of our lecterns for battery power. 20 hr life.

oklahoma Sound

For these products, please contact your dealer or Oklahoma Sound.

okLaHoMa Sound

149 Entin Road, Clifton, NJ 07014

Tel 973-594-9000 • Fax 973-594-9339

www.oklahomasound.com • email: [email protected]
