RS-232C/RS-422 Serial Interface Option
Serial Mode 2-4
Baud Rate 2-4
Data Bits 2-4
Stop Bits 2-4
Parity 2-5
DTR Ready/Busy 2-5
DTR Onl/Offl 2-5
DTR Error 2-5
RTS Ready/Busy 2-5
RTS Onl/Offl 2-5
RTS Error 2-5
XON Ready/Busy 2-5
XON Onl/Offl 2-6
XON Error 2-6
DTR Polarity 2-6
RTS Polarity 2-6
Robust XON 2-6
Disabling the Serial Interface 2-6
Serial 2-6
References for OpenVMS users 2-7
RS-232C Serial Cable Pin Assignments 2-7
RS-422 Serial Cable Pin Assignments 2-7
Chapter 3
Troubleshooting 3-1
About this Chapter 3-2
Control Panel Error Messages 3-2
Example 3-2
Obtaining Help and Information 3-2
Your Point of Purchase 3-3
Your Application Vendor 3-3
Technical Support 3-3