Click the [Export to File] icon
to write out
the email address book as a CSV file.
4-2 Add addresses to the CSV file
Open the created CSV file in Microsoft-Excel.
Click the [Import from File] icon
of the Email
address manager.
Select a CSV file to click [Open].
Select email addresses to be imported, and click
If the number of characters exceeds the
limit, or the Excel is not closed, “File can
not be imported” is displayed.
Click the [Save To Device] icon.
Exit the Configuration Tool.
The registration of the email address
book is completed.
Do not change the item names, etc already entered when opening the CSV file.
Enter items you want to register in the CSV file.
A: Make sure to put “#” to the left the (RecordID) column, and add the number of items you want to
register, like #001, #002…
B: In the (EntryNumber) column, add the number of items you want to register, like 2, 3, …
C: In the (Name) column, add a destination name.
The destination name is up to 16 characters in Email Address Book, and 24characters in Address Book.
D: Nothing has to be entered in the (Pinyin) column.
E: In the (MailAddress) column, enter an email address (FAX number for Address Book).
If the first 0 of a phone number is deleted, specify the character in the display format.
F: Nothing has to be entered in the (Member) column.
After everything is entered, save the file as a CSV format and quit the Excel.
Up to 500 entries can be made in each of email address book and addess book in the MC860.
A file with more than 500 entries that cannot be imported as described in secton 4-3.
4-3 Import the CSV file to MC860.