18 - English
Explosive Properties: little possiblity in intended use.
According to Explosive Evaluation, can form explosive dust-air
mixtures when finely dispersed in air, like most finely grained
organic powders.
Stability: Stable
Incompatibility: Not identified.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide.
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Acute oral toxicity: LD50 is greater than 2,000mg/kg. (This
was the highest attainable mass.)
Acute inhalation: LC50(4H) is in excess of 5.13mg/l. (This was
the highest attainable concentration.)
Eye irritation: Non-irritant.
Skin irritation: Non-irritant.
Skin sensitization: Non-sensitiser.
Mutagenicity: Negative in the Ames test.
Carcinogenicity: In 1996, the IARC classified carbon black as a
Group 2B carcinogen (possible human carcinogen).
Chronic Effects: In a study in rats by chronic inhalation
exposure to a typical toner, a mild to moderate degree of lung
fibrosis was observed in 92 % of the rats in the high
concentration (16 mg/m3)exposure group, and a minimal to
mild degree of fibrosis was noted in 22% of the animals in the
middle (4 mg/m3) exposure group. These findings are attributed
to "lung overloading", a general response to excessive amounts
of any dust retained in the lungs for a prolonged period.
Aquatic environment
LC50 is greater than 1000mg/L (fish)
EC50 is greater than 1000mg/L (daphnia)
EbC50 is greater than 1000mg/L (Algal)
(This was the highest attainable mass.)
Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulation.
Empty plastic container may be recycled.
Special Precautions: None
International Transport Information
UN Classification Number: Not applicable
Land DOT 49 CFR, ADR: Not classified as Dangeous Goods
Sea IMDG Code: Not classified as Dangeous Goods
Air ICAO-TI: Not classified as Dangeous Goods
IARC: See section 11.
US/Canada Information
OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR 1910. 1200:
Not regulated.
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA): All chemical substances
in this product comply with all applicable rules or orders under
RCRA (40 CFR 261): Product or components not listed.
CERCLA/SARA Information: Not regulated.
NTP Annual Report on Carcinogens: Not listed as an NTP
California Proposition 65: Neither toner, or any of the
components, are listed as chemicals known to the State of
California to cause cancer or reproductive system effects.
Controlled Products Regulations(Canada): This product has
been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System(Canada):
No toxicology information available
Other State Regulations: Carbon black is listed in the New
Jersey Right to Know List, Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance
List, and Massachusetts Substance List.
U.S./Canada Label Statements: LOW HAZARD FOR
RECOMMENDED HANDLING. Minimize dust generation and
accumulation. Use with adequate ventilation.
EU Information
Label Information According to Directives 67/548 EEC &
1999/45 EC
Symbol & Indication: Not required
Risk Phrase: Not required
Safety Advise Phrase: Not required
76/769/EEC: All chemical substances in this product comply
with all applicable rules or order under 76/769/EEC.
National requirement: No specific regulations or
Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH): All chemical
substances in this product comply with all applicable rules or
order under 1907/2006
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Flammability: 1
Reactivity: 0
Health: 0
(0 = insignificant, 1 = slight )
Hazardous Materials Information Systems (HMIS):
Red (Flammability): 1
Yellow (Reactivity): 0
Blue (Acute Effects): 0
(0 = insignificant, 1 = slight )
Notice: Judgments as to the suitability of information herein for
purchaser's purposes are necessarily purchaser's responsibility.
Therefore, although reasonable care has been taken in the
preparation of such information, Toshiba Corporation extends no
warranties, makes no representations, and assumes no
responsibility as to the accuracy or suitability of such information
for application to purchaser's intended purposes or for
consequences of its use.
References: IARC (1996) IARC Monographs on the Evaluation
of the Carcinogenic Risks of Chemicals to Humans, Vol. 65,
Printing Processes and Printing Inks, Carbon Black and Some
Nitro Compounds, Lyon, pp. 149-261.
H. Muhle, B. Bellmann, O. Creutzenberg, C. Dasenbrock, H.
Ernst, R. Kilpper, J. C. MacKenzie, P. Morrow, U. Mohr, S.
Takenaka, and R. Mermelstein (1991).
Pulmonary Response to Toner upon Chronic Inhalation Exposure
in Rats, Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17, pp. 280-299.
(1) OSHA PEL stands for Permissible Exposure Limit under
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (USA).