Color is everywhere—
and the key to survival.
Since the beginning of time, color has helped us
make vital distinctions that are key to our ver y
survival, providing critical information about the world
around us: Poisonous or edible. Hot or cold. Friend
or foe.
I n t o d a y ’s b u s i n e s s w o r l d , i t s t i l l d o e s . S i m p l y,
color sells. In printed material, color increases
readership an average of 80%…Retention of material
increases as much as 82% with color versus black
and white…Color invoices are paid almost twice as
fast and are more likely to be paid in full when the
amount is highlighted in color…
Yet, despite the power of color to capture attention,
increase readership, speed responses and
improve retention, it’s still missing from 90% of
the business materials printed in-house. That’s
because color business printing has not proven to
be both productivity enhancing and cost-effective.
Until now…
Fast, flexible, affordable
Digital LED color printing
With the C7000 Series, OKI
delivers stand-alone
and network business color printing without
compromise. Vibrant full-color output at an industry-
l e a d i n g 12 p a g e s p e r m i n u t e . C l e a r, s h a r p
monochrome printing at 20 ppm. Available with
2-sided printing, 5 GB hard disk drive, and 10/100
Base-T Ethernet connectivity via print server cards.
And, with low operating costs, this new generation
of Digital LED color printers gives business color
an exciting new dimension.
It’s the only color you’ll want for your business!
Powered by Single Pass Color
Digital Technology
At the hear t of the C7000 Series’ capabilities is
a compact Digital LED (light-emitting diode) system.
OKI Single Pass Color utilizes four in-line Digital LED
printheads and image drums to speed the page
through, laying down cyan, magenta, yellow and black
toner in one pass. This process enables faster
document throughput—allowing you to get more
produced in less time.
Conventional color laser printers, on the other hand,
require four revolutions of the image drum before
the toner is fused and the output delivered.
Single Pass Color engineering also allows C7000
Series Digital LED printers to print on a wide variety
of paper media, including heavier card and index
stock, as well as labels and transparencies.
Unmatched performance is built in
High-speed data processing is an integral key to
the C7000 Series printers’ professional color output.
The combination of Single Pass Color Digital
Technology and a powerful 400 MHz, 64-bit PowerPC
processor means less time waiting for your
documents to print from your PC or Mac
Case Company, Management Consultants. British Bureau of Advertising:
“Color in Newspaper Advertising.” “Color for Impact,” Jan V. White. “Why Color Sells,” USA Today.
C7000 S