Special Precautions
Precautions for Handling or Storage: Protect from high heat
and sources of ignition. Store large quantities in a tightly
closed container in a well-ventilated area.
Other Precautions: None
To the best of the manufacturer's knowledge, the
information contained herein is accurate. However, neither
the manufacturer, nor any of its affiliates, make any
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assumes any liability (including liability for any direct,
incidental, consequential, or other damages) with respect to
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herein. Such information may be (without limitation)
invalid if the specified material is used in combination with
another, in a particular process, or under unusual conditions.
Determination of suitability of any material for any given
purpose is the sole responsibility of the user who assumes
all risk and responsibility therefor. All materials may
present unknown hazards and should be used with
appropriate caution. The manufacturer cannot and does not
guarantee that the hazards described herein are the only
ones that exist.