1. Do not use or store below 0ºC or above 50ºC (32ºF – 122ºF).
2. Do not place device or charger near a radiator or heat source.
3. Do not place sharp metal or magnetic objects near the device.
4. Make sure to use the designated charger to charge the device.
5. Do not place liquids near the device to prevent spillage.
(In c a s e of spillage, turn device off, flip u p s i d e d o w n a n d store in dry area
for 2-3 days before restarting. Contact Customer Support immediately.)
6. Do not disassemble or alter any part of the device, including
the serial number label.
7. Do not handle the device or the plug with wet hands.
8. Do not store under heavy weight put heavy weight or unusual
stress to the device.
*Not following these guidelines may void your warranty and cause danger.
S A F E T Y & H A N D L I N G