EN-20 FD
3.8 Legal for Trade Settings
The Scale is designed to comply with OIML, EEC, weights and measures regulations. These approvals
may be pending; contact Ohaus for further details about availability.
Consult your local Weights and measures office for their regulations before placing the scale into a Legal
for Trade application.
When the LFT menu item setting is On, the following conditions apply:
• The Calibration (CAL) sub-menu is hidden.
• The Calibration Lock (LCAL) menu item is hidden.
• The Auto Zero Tracking (AZt) menu item is set to 0.5 d.
• lb:oz and P units are disabled.
When the weights and measures official has approved the scale for use, it should be sealed as shown in
Section 3.9.
3.9 Sealing the Scale
When used in conjunction with the Lockout menu and the security switch, the scale may be sealed to
prevent or detect unauthorized changes to scale settings. For Legal for Trade applications, set the LFT
menu item to ON, set the security slide to the On position (by sliding the switch to cover the screw), then
seal the scale to prevent access to the metrological parameters. Seal the scale according to the local
weights and measures regulations.
Sliding the switch to the ON position in FDxxH models will freeze the menu item settings in their
current state
To regain access to the scale settings, break the seal and set the security slide to the OFF position.
Security Slide