2. Hold the left end of the ribbon cassefte
with your left hand. Hold right end in right
hand. Right thumb is on top and forefinger
below. Lift the right end of the cassette
with the end of the cassette with the right
forefinger, then lift the left end. The ribbon
cassette will come off easily.
Never lift the left end first. This may
Never lift the left end first. This may
Never lift the left end first. This may
Never lift the left end first. This may
Never lift the left end first. This may
damage ribbon and printer head.
damage ribbon and printer head.
damage ribbon and printer head.
damage ribbon and printer head.
damage ribbon and printer head.
If is difficult to push the left end down, raise
it again. Hold the cassette with right hand,
then rotate slightly as indicated. See ar-
row on the cassette cover.
Keep right end of cassette up
Ribbon Cassette Unloading
Turn the gear as indicated by the arrow
3.Take a new ribbon. Hold the cassette as in step 2. Put the left end on the axle of the
gear on the left end of the printer head. Keep the right end of the cassette up as shown
in the illustration.
Incorrect Action - Wrong Direction