w/attachment weights
w/o attachment weights
Front Beam
10g x 0.1g
Center Beam
500g x 100g
Rear Beam
100g x 10g
Carefully remove the balance and the separate poise (sliding weight) from the
protective carton. You will find a slit rubber washer lodged underneath the
platform, and one rubber washer located above the pointer. The washers are to
be removed from the scale.
After placing the balance on a smooth, flat surface, slide the separate poise up
into the slot on the back of the center beam. Tilt poise over into place on the
beam. With all poises in zero position, the pointer should be near zero. On
applicable models, the tare poise (13) shall be at the extreme left of its bar.
For exact zero, adjust the knurled knob which is located at the left end of the
beam. It is advisable to check the zero adjustment periodically.
Place the specimen on the center of the platform and proceed as follows:
Starting with the largest capacity beam (500 g), move the 500 g poise to the
right to the first notch which causes the pointer to drop, then, move it back one
notch, causing the pointer to rise.
. Repeat procedure with the 100 g poise.
Slide the 10 g poise to the position which brings the pointer to rest at zero.
The weight of the specimen is the sum of the values of all poise positions, read
directly from the graduated beams.
Attachment weights:
Total capacity is either 2610 grams or 5 pounds, 2 ounces when attachment
weights are suspended from the pivots (14). Without the weights, the capacity is
either 610 grams or 1 pound, 2 ounces.
Use of the tare:
Certain models are equipped with a patented tare poise (13). The poise will
counterbalance empty containers no heavier than 225 grams or 8 ounces, by
sliding it to the approximate balance, then rotating in either direction for precise
positioning. Net weight of the contents of the container may then be read directly
in the usual manner.
Care and maintenance:
Keep balance clean at all times. In general, most foreign matter may be easily
removed by an air syringe, but a piece of adhesive-backed tape pressed against
the magnet faces will keep them free from dirt. Never apply lubricants to knives
or bearings, nor allow foreign matter to accumulate.
Specific gravity determination:
The Model 183 Clamp and Rod Support is an accessory for elevating the
balance for suspending specimens in water. The rod is inserted into the 1/2 inch
(12.7 mm) recess on the underside of the
base. By means of a fine wire or thread,
the specimen is attached to the check
pin which connects the check rod
assembly to the platform loop under the
Solids - (denser than water): To determine specific gravity of solids denser than
water, the specimen should be first weighed in air and then weighed immersed in
Weight in air
Weight in air minus weight in water
Solids - (less dense than water): To determine the specific gravity of solids less
dense than water, it is necessary to attach a sinker and then make the following
Weight of body in air.
. Combined weight of body in air plus sinker in water.
. Weight of both body and sinker in water.
b - c
• A low cost, maintenance-free balance which provides all the convenience of a
top loader, yet retains the ruggedness needed for a wide range of lab work.
• Tiered beam visibility and zero adjust combine to give high speed performance
and reduce error.
• Magnetic damping speeds up weighing by causing the beam to come to rest
quickly without affecting sensitivity or accuracy. It operates on the principle of
a permanent magnetic field resisting the motion of a non-magnetic, aluminum
damper vane attached to the beam.
The pole faces of the damping magnets are positioned on both sides of the
damper vane. Damping force is proportional to vane velocity and reduces to zero
when the beam stops, thereby turning itself off.
The system is permanent, self-regulating, maintenance-free, frictionless and
effective at all loads.
• Tare beam and poise (13) (on specific models) make repetitive weighings and
chemical formulations easy by eliminating container weight from calculations.
• Attachment weights store conveniently in the base when not in use.