Overview external alarms
Limit value alarm active
Alarm hardness exceeding
Soft water concentration greater than the hardness limit
This excess hardness was verified after a reference measurement against raw water and recog-
nized with the repeated soft water evaluation. With an alarm delay of 10 minutes, set in the
factory as the standard value, this is also alarmed externally if it persists. However, if the va-
lue falls below the limit value again within the configured alarm delay, the hardness alarm is
also deleted again and "<" is displayed as an underrun.
Alarm brine entry
Soft water concentration greater than raw water concentration, caused by
impermissible brine input
The effect is analogous to the excess hardness described, but the cause is not water hardness,
but brine entry into the soft water.
The soft water is to be checked for brine using a comparative conductivity measu-
rement with the raw water. Basically, the rinsing times of the softener should be
Service alarm active
This alarm is issued when a reduced sensor quality has been determined.
The cause of this reduced sensor quality can be sensor aging, but there can also be a leak or a
blockage in the sample valves.
It is also assumed that the sample water is of the same quality as the water under pressure.
Before changing the sensor, possible sources of error must be excluded in the following table
This alarm is issued if the sensor quality is too low.
The cause of this insufficient sensor quality will be sensor aging, which makes it necessary to
replace the hardness sensor.
This functional test is an overall test and requires certain requirements.
Before the sensor is changed, possible sources of error must be excluded in the following
table overview.