OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
HTHP Cell Assembly
The 170-46 HTHP cell assembly can handle maximum standard filtration
tests at elevated temperatures and pressures. The maximum pressure rating
is 1,500 psi and the temperature is 400°F (204°C). Most tests, conducted with
the 175 mL capacity filter presses under API standards, operate at an inlet
pressure of 600 psi and with temperatures up to 350°F (176°C). The cell bod
ies and cell caps are scribed with serial numbers so that the same cap and
same cell bodies are used on each and every test, resulting in more repro
ducible results. Additional information includes the part number, temperature
rating, the alloy and pressure rating of the cell.
All OFI Testing Equipment HTHP cell assemblies are made of Stainless Steel.
For very corrosive environments cell assemblies made of Hastelloy
or Inconel are available and recommended.
It is advantageous to have a double capped cell, as the filtration test re
moves the liquid phase of the test fluid leaving a relative larger particle count.
Sometimes this “semi-fluid’ will harden inside the cell body and a drill may be
necessary to remove the now solid material. With a double capped cell simply
remove both caps and push from one end to remove the contents.
Cap Locking
Screws (#170-26-1)
Cell Cap, Scribed
Cell Cap O-ring
Valve Stem O-ring
Valve Stem
Cell Cap
with Screen