Offel s.r.l.
Via Lato di Mezzo, 32 Lugo (RA) - Italy Tel. +39 0545/22542 Fax +39 0545/30439 P.I. 00449020395
User manual
Made in Italy
conformi alle norme
in conformity to
CEI EN 60065 - CEI EN 50083-2
Rev. 0 02.2016
Art. 07-875 MM RCA ALIM.
Modulatore PLL A/V multibanda autoalimentabile
A/V multiband PLL modulator self powered
L’art. 07-875 MM RCA ALIM. è un kit composto dal modulatore art. 07-870 MM RCA TEL. e relativo alimentatore.
Cod. 07-875 MM RCA ALIM. is a kit composed by a modulator cod. 07-870 MM RCA TEL. and the relevant power supply unit.