Roads MK I Electric Piano Operation Manual
6 Credits
Andre van Velden providing his Rhodes Mk 1 for the recordings
Reasontalk forum, beta test hosting
All the beta testers
Rob Kwakkelstein, demo song
7 Appendixes
Browsing patches
Changing .repatch files in the Patch Browser while notes are sustained may cause a sudden jump in
volume and will play the sound from the current patch with the settings of the new patch. The change
disappears when the instrument is included in a Combinator (.cmb).
8 MIDI Implementation Chart
In the table below, first the MIDI CC Number is mentioned and is followed by the name of the function in
the Roads MK1 Electric Piano:
[12] = Spread_On_Off
[13] = Warm
[14] = Hammer
[15] = Bass_Boost
[16] = Volume