System description
Principle of heat pump
A heat pump can exploit the energy contained in natural heat sources. Or, to put it differently, the heat
pump ”collects” heat energy from the heat source. This makes the heat pump a very environmentally friendly and
economically sound alternative for space heating.
a. A hose filled with liquid (Brine system) is immersed into a lake, dug into the ground or sunk into the rock. The
Brine sytem absorbs the heat energy of the heat source so that the temperature of the water circulating in
the hose is raised a few degrees.
b The Brine system is circulated to the heat pump’s evaporator. Here the heat energy of the Brine system causes
the refrigerant, circulating through the evaporator, to boil and turn into a gas – it evaporates.
c The refrigerant, having absorbed heat energy, is circulated to the compressor where pressure and temperature
are raised.
d The refrigerant continues to the condenser. When condensing, it releases heat energy to the heat carrier,
circulating through the condenser. The temperature of the refrigerant sinks, and it returns to its liquid state.
e The heat energy released is carried by the heating circuit to water heater and radiator or floor heating
f At last the refrigerant is led through the expansion valve, where its pressure is reduced, and then continues to
heat pump has
Brine system cir cuit
– a water-based mixture (brine) transporting energy from heat source to heat pump.
Refrigerant circui
– circulating inside the heat pump. Through evaporation, compression and condensation it
absorbs energy from the Brine system and releases it to the heat carrier. The refrigerant is chlorine-free.
Heating circuit
– water transporting heat energy to the heating system (radiators/floor coils) and the water
Brine system circuit
Brine system
Brine system circuit
Brine system