Correct trim adjustment is required for error and erractic-free flying of the quadcopter. The adjustment is simple to do
on the radio control transmitter, but it requires some patience. Please follow the instructions precisely. For best
results, move the throttle up and raise the quadcopter approximately 2-3 feet (0.5-1 meter) in altitude.
If the quadcopter moves by itself slowly or quickly to the left or right:
Press the trim control for turning incrementally in the opposite
direction of movement
If the quadcopter slides by itself slowly or quickly to the side:
Press the trim control for rotation incrementally in the opposite
direction of movement
If the quadcopter moves by itself slowly or quickly forwards or backwards:
Press the trim control for forwards and backwards flight incrementally in the
opposite direction of movement
360º FLIP
Press the 360º FLIP button on the top right of the transmitter to
have it perform amazing, acrobatic 360º flips!