25 Gmail
Gmail is a free email client offered by Google. Requires WiFi or SIM connection to Internet.
Opening Gmail and your Inbox
Open Gmail
Touch Gmail icon
on the Home screen or in the Launcher.
When you open Gmail, the current Google Account is displayed at the top of the Inbox.
If you have more than one account, you touch the current account to switch accounts.
Open your Inbox when Gmail is running
The Gmail interface is divided into two parts, the left one lists all the mail types, such as
Inbox, Priority Inbox, Starred, Chats, and Outbox. The right side presents the details.
So when reading a message, you can easily return to the Inbox by touching the Inbox on
the left side . You can also touch the
back key
until you return to your Inbox.
Tab to create a new
email message
Tab to search
for an email
Tab to refresh