ODYS MP3-Player X28
Load the batteryvia the USB connection
The rechargeable internal battery can be charged using the USB
connection of yourcomputer, a USB hub with its own powersupply or
a USB powersupply / charger unit. Before charging the player's
battery for the first time, completely discharge it. Then completely
charge the battery. This is the only way to gain full battery capacity.
Turn on the main power switch on the player (position ON).
Connect the MP3 playerto the powersupplyusing the USB cable.
Charging begins automatically. Always charge the battery completely
(see batterysymbol in the display).
The player keys do not function during recharging.
The player’
s batterylife is influenced byplay volume; battery
life is decreased significantly byloud playback. The battery
life maychange depending on the file type played and how
often the buttons are used.
Use the powersaving functions to automaticallyshut off the
display and the player (Section 4.8).
Transferring files MP3 player - PC
Connect the MP3 playerto your PC using the supplied USB cable.
Open the Windows Exploreror double-click My Computer.
Select folders or files to be transferred and drag them to the
removable data storage symbol of the MP3 player (download to root
directory). It is possible to create different folders for the
classification of your file types in the playermemory beforehand and
then to save the relevant files to them.
Once the transmission is complete, click the MP3 playersymbol and
checkwhether the files were completelycopied.