© 2011 OCZ Technology Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
Maximum sequential speeds are determined using ATTO,
Maximum Write Speeds are determined using Crystal Disk Mark
Small file I/O performance is measured using Crystal Disk Mark, QD32
High Performance SSD Architecture
SATA 6Gbps interface unleashes the full potential of today’s
leading platforms
Indilinx Infused; based on Everest Platform
Proprietary page mapping algorithms for superior performance
across all file sizes and mixed workloads
Faster performance with compressed data
MP3, JPG, RAW, PSD, OS X software, etc.
Innovative latency reduction technology
Strong performance at low queue depths (QD 1 – 3)
Enhanced Performance & Endurance over the Long Term
Proprietary NDurance™ Technology to increase NAND lifespan
Sustained performance; remains close to “fresh-out-of-the-box”
Combining high-speed data transfer rates with record-breaking access times to
provide a superior user experience and improved application performance.
H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e S t o r a g e w i t h A d v a n c e d F e a t u r e S e t
Combining high-speed data
transfer rates with record-breaking access times, OCZ Octane SSDs are designed to provide a superior user experience and
improved application performance. Octane leverages the cutting-edge Indilinx Everest platform and is optimized for the complete
spectrum of file types and sizes, with proprietary page mapping algorithms mirroring real world conditions across a wide range of
applications. The Octane series also includes advanced features unique to Indilinx, including latency reduction technology to
enhance system responsiveness and enable instant-on boot-ups, and proprietary NDurance™ technology to increase the lifespan
of the NAND flash memory and minimize performance degradation. In addition, Octane drives support AES and automatic
encryption to secure critical data, bringing unique enterprise features within the reach of enthusiasts . Octane SSDs also deliver
the energy efficiency, durability, and reliability that traditional hard drives cannot provide.
OCZ Octane Solid State Drive Series
Designed to Fuel ‘Instant On’ Access and a Cutting-Edge Computing Experience
Delivers up to 470 MB/s and 35,000 IOPS
Access latency as low as 0.06ms
Boot time reduction for ‘instant-on’ experience
Advanced technology to maximize endurance
Current specs reflect update to firmware v1.13
Max Read
up to 470 MB/s
up to 480 MB/s
up to 480 MB/s
up to 460 MB/s
Max Write
up to 210 MB/s
up to 310 MB/s
up to 330 MB/s
up to 330 MB/s
Max 4KB Random Read
35,000 IOPS
35,000 IOPS
35,000 IOPS
32,000 IOPS
Max 4KB Random Write
18,000 IOPS
25,000 IOPS
26,000 IOPS
24,000 IOPS