Q47ce Contact Heart rate Option
Your Octane Fitness cross-trainer features premium workouts designed to take full advantage of the benefits
of heart rate zone training programs: Fat Burn, Cardio, Heart Rate Custom Interval, and 30:30. Each individual
workout offers different premium benefits, as described on pages 10 thru 12.
To take advantage of the heart rate control features, your may use the wireless chest strap (provided) or simply
grip the contact heart rate sensors on the stationary handlebars. In a heart rate controlled program, your current
heart rate is monitored and the resistance level will automatically adjust to maintain your target heart rate. To
change the target heart rate during a workout, use the Level (
) keys on the keypad or the right moving
Octane Fitness Digital Heart rate sensors
The Octane Fitness digital contact heart sensors on the Q47ce track your heart rate more easily and more
accurately to help produce the ultimate workout. Simply grip the digital contact heart rate sensors when using a
heart rate program. For the most accurate heart rate reading possible:
• Grasp each contact heart rate grip sensor so the contact sensor portion of the grip rests in the palm of
your hand.
• Grip the contact sensors firmly.
• Keep your hands steady and in place.