802.11b/g/n Wireless USB Adapter
The most advanced authentication and data encryption that provide the best security
■ ASCII: You should provide either 5 or 13 ASCII characters on Network key edit box.
■ PASSPHRASE: You could input words on Network Key edit box.
64 bits: The generated pass key is 64-bit to be complied with data packets.
128 bits: The generated pass key is 128-bit to be complied with data packets.
■ Hexadecimal: While both ASCII and PASSPHRASE are not checked, you should
input hexadecimal number in the network key box. For example, 10 digits hex number for
64-bit WEP or 26 digits hex number for 128-bit WEP.
7.5. Key index (1 ~4)
At most four key index to represent the opposite network key.
B. Advanced Page
Users could setup the advanced characteristics of network packet for transmission on this
1. Beacon Interval
This filed indicates the interval between each beacon that this AP sends out in unit of TU
(1024 micro-seconds).
2. DTIM Period
The DTIM Period field is the number of Beacon intervals between successive DTIMs.
3. Preamble Mode
■ Long: higher quality but with lower performance than preamble short mode.
■ Short: Normal quality but with higher performance then preamble long mode.
■ Auto: select the proper preamble mode by current signal frame information.
C. Statistics Page
The Tx/Rx status of current wireless connection is shown. A statistics analysis of packet