Chapter 8: Bit-programmable digital I/O
The bit-programmable digital I/O lines can be used to sense switch closures, turn
on lamps and LEDs, and interface with other devices that have TTL input or
output such as printers and scales. The digital I/O lines drive the Octagon MPB
series opto-isolation module racks directly, controlling AC and DC loads to 240V at
3A. Tables 8–1 and 8–2 show the pinout for the digital I/O connector, arranged by
function and by pin number. Figure 8–1 shows typical I/O configurations.
The I/O lines have the following specifications:
Each I/O chip has 24 I/O lines, grouped into 3 ports of 8 bits
Each bit is programmable as either 5V input or 5V output
Read back state of each pin
Each line can sink and source
BIOS Setup configuration for digital I/O
The digital I/O connector J7 is configured in the BIOS Setup Custom Configuration
menu as either a digital I/O port (default) or as an LPT parallel port. Toggle the
EZIO (1050)/LPT (278) field to select EZIO. When digital I/O (EZIO) is selected the
base address is 1050h, with no interrupt. LPT uses base address 278h with IRQ 7.