Sauna & Steam
Oceanic Saunas 01902 450 550 [email protected]
Steam Generator Manual
9.6. Auto Descale
i. Set the machine to automatically descale itself once per week. Once set the machine will
descale itself at the same time every week.
ii. The descaling solution will still need to be topped up, our 120 litre drums will do about
10 descales before refilling with acid. Mix 5kgs of acid for the whole 120 litres of acid or
around 40-50gs of acid per litre.
iii. For some operators is may not be neccessary for you to be descaling the generator every
week as you may not be in a hard water area or you may only be operating the machine
for a few hours per day. In this case we advise not to have the machine set up for a regular
descale and to only turn the descaling cycle on when you need it. You must remember
though that once the cycle has been completed you must turn the Tick to a X to turn the
weekly descale off.
To setup
descaling push
to enter
iv. The default is Sunday between midnight 00:00 and 8:00 in
the morning.
v. To activate descale change the X to a Tick.
vi. You can also adjust the day and time that the descale will
operate. We advise a minimum of 4 hours.
vii. Note the screen must be turned off for the descale cycle to
9.7. Drain
i. You won’t ever really need to drain the machine as it automatically drains itself. While steaming
the generator will drain out the water so that there is never a concentrated solution of limescale
in the tank. It will also completely drain and flush itself after it has been turned off. (not isolated)
ii. To drain the machine you first need the screen to be off, so if it is already on push the On/off
button to turn it off. Now push the Drain button, scree will illuminate and indicate the drain
symbol as shown below on the right.