SAV III Basic rel. 1.0
For more than 70 years, OCEAN REEF has been involved in the underwater
diving industry. We have contributed much to this industry, from fins and
snorkels to the most modern systems of underwater communication. Through
the spirit of intrepid pioneers, brilliant inventors, passionate divers, and dynamic
entrepreneurs, OCEAN REEF has been able to turn dreams into reality in the
underwater world.
The Manufacturer has carefully worded and edited this owner’s manual.
However, in no event the Manufacturer will be responsible for any damage
caused by the incorrect interpretation of its content, nor due to any misprints
and/or incompleteness in the text.
The Manufacturer will not accept liabilities for any damage caused by:
Insufficient, incorrect and improper maintenance, failing to comply with the
manual’s recommendations
• Absence of periodic tests and checks
• Incorrect and improper use
• Failing to comply with guidelines included in the owner’s manual
Alterations and/or modifications of the SAV III Basic
If any of the above were to occur, considering these actions are potentially
dangerous to the health and life of the users, the manufacturer is released of
any responsibility and the warranty is void.
The Manufacturer is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company (
If you lose this manual or if you should require more copies, you can
download it at diving.oceanreefgroup.com/support/ or contact the
Manufacturer: Mestel Safety SRL, Via Arvigo 2, 16010 Sant’Olcese
(GE), IT. Phone: +39 0107082011. E-mail: infoitaly@oceanreefgroup.
com. Website: