components, poles and fittings. General wear and tear excepted. Zips and mesh or screens are
not covered.
Any part of the vehicle subject to warranty, which is found to be defective in material or w
will be repaired or replaced at OBI/Conqueror Corporation option without charge to the customer for
parts or labor.
In the event that a substantial defect in materials or workmanship is found to exist in �arts
OBI/Conqueror Corporation, OBI/Conqueror Corporation will bear the cost of the repa�r or
of such defective materials or workmanship, provided that the owner: (A) Notifies Dealer that unit was
purchased from of the defect in a timely manner, (If you are traveling or have recently moved, contact
the Dealer that unit was purchased from. (B) Follows instructions from OBI/Conqueror Corporation on
how to get approved repairs. (OBI/Conqueror Corporation will determine if there is an authorized
service center within reasonable distance of the owner. If there is not an authorized service center near
the owner, the owner will be required to get two written estimates, from any local RV dealer or RV
service station, for the required repairs.) (C) Schedules an appointment and promptly takes the vehicle
to the authorized service center for necessary repairs. (D) Pays any freight or transportation costs, or
import duties or fees involved. No action to enforce this warranty shall be commenced after expiration
of the warranty period. If the above steps have been taken and the repairs still have not been made, the
customer should contact OBI/Conqueror Corporation.
Purchaser shall notify Dealer that unit was purchased from and deliver this vehicle for warranty service
within a reasonable time after discovery of the defect, before the expiration of the warranty period. All
incidental and consequential expenses incurred by Purchaser in obtaining warranty service shall be
borne by Purchaser. No action to enforce this warranty shall be commenced after expiration of the
warranty period.
It is t�e Purchaser's responsibility to perform the care, maintenance and assure correct load distribution
as outli�ed in the OBI/Conqueror Owner's Manual. Other, separate manuals outline additional
nt care and maintenance. Please review all manuals supplied with your unit and if necessary,
contact th� Dealer yo� purc
hased your camper from if you have questions. Any damage to the vehicle as
a result of the Purchaser's failure to perform such care, is not covered by OBI/Conqueror Corporation.
OBl(Conq�eror Corpor�tion may make parts and design changes from time to time without notice and
r�pair and r�placem�nts may be made with new or different parts. OBI/Conqueror Corporation reserves
the right to
make cha�ges in the design or material or its products without incurring any obligation to
incorporate such changes in any product previously manufactured.
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