Sound Switch: ON
=Turn on the alarm/
=Turn off the alarm
Speed Alarm:
Alarm when the vehicle speed >150km/h, adjust range is 5-200 km/h
Coolant Alarm
: Alarm when the water temperature >120°C, adjust range is 50-200
RPM Alarm:
Alarm when the engine speed >6000r/min, adjust range is 1000-8000
BAT alarm:
Alarm when the voltage <10.5v, the setting range is 10.0-15.0v
Speed Adjust:
Adjust the parameter value when there is an error between the speed
and the instrument panel (e.g. instrument display 100 Km/h HUD shows 105Km/h,
use default value 107-5=102)
Speed Offset:
When the vehicle speed does not return to 0 after the car is turned off
(E.g. speed display 5Km/h,please adjust HUD to 6Km/h)
BAT Adjust:
When there is an error between the voltage and the instrument panel
voltage, fine adjustment can be made (If the hud displays 0.2V higher than the
instrument voltage, the device is adjusted to 98%)
Engine Size:
When the fuel consumption error is large, adjust according to the
displacement (If the car displacement is 3.6L, adjust the parameter value to 3.6L)
Fuel Adjust:
Fine-tuning when there is an error in fuel consumption (If the device
displays 0.2L higher than the instrument voltage, the device is adjusted to 98%)
Auto= Automatic light sensitivity, 1= The darkest, 8 =The brightest
= Speed control color-changing atmosphere light
= Car speed control color-changing atmosphere light
= Turn off the atmosphere light
= Blue atmosphere light
= Red atmosphere light
=Purple atmosphere light
CWT Unit
°C =Celsius °F =Fahrenheit
Speed Unit
= Kilometers
= Miles
Sum Distance:
total mileage synchronization (Keep it as same as dashboard,
ex:odometer shows 30010km, adjust the parameter value to 30010km)
Power Off Time:
The default is 10 seconds to shut down, the adjustment
range is 5-300 seconds
Sleep Voltage
Adjust to 13.2V or 13.6V when unable to shut down, adjust to COM
mode for cars that start and stop automatically
Factory Set:
The system restores to the factory preset values. After selecting this
operation, short press in to confirm
Time Adjust:
It can be adjusted to local time, the default time is China time (GMT+8)
Performance Testing
Acceleration test:
100km acceleration refers to the acceleration time from 0 to
100km/h, which is a power test of the car
Brake test:
The time and distance used after the brake is stopped completely when
the vehicle speed exceeds 100km/h is the performance test of the brake