Prepare filter cartridge
Thoroughly rinse all filter materials with cold water before the first use. Do not
open the Multi-stage filter cartridges.
Attach filter
How to proceed:
1. Place the filter on the aquarium rim so that the filter hangs vertically on the side of
2. Use the adjustable leveler to align the filter.
The adjustable leveler holds the filter vertically and supports it against the
aquarium wall.
3. Extend the telescopic intake to the desired height.
Make sure that no aquarium substrate (e.g. sand) is sucked in.
Requirements for reliable water intake:
Do not let the water level drop more than 5.5 in from the aquarium rim. This will
ensure that the pump draws in the water safely, e.g. after a power failure.
Fill the filter housing completely with water (before the first start-up and after
cleaning the filter housing).