This sets the maximum output level of both sine wave LFOs.
Set TYPE to MULTI, and the sine rate and depth pots to their maximum. Set your scope's
time base to 5mS per division and the scaling to 2V per division. Then monitor the voltage on
pin 1 of U25 and adjust S_LVL until you get a 10V peak to peak signal.
This sets the frequency of the vibrato oscillator in three phase mode.
Set TYPE to 3 PHASE and the vibrato depth pot to its maximum. Set your scope's time base
to 25mS per division and the scaling to 2V per division. Then monitor the voltage on pin 1 of
U26 and adjust FAST until you get a 12V peak to peak signal. The frequency should be
around 6Hz.
This sets the frequency of the chorus oscillator in three phase mode.
Set TYPE to 3 PHASE and the chorus depth pot to its maximum. Set your scope's time base
to 500mS per division and the scaling to 2V per division. Then monitor the voltage on pin 7 of
U14 and adjust SLOW until you get a 10V peak to peak signal. The frequency should be
around 0.6Hz.