Linelumps and Wallwarts: Wiring Diagrams
Input wiring will depend on the type of wallwart or linelump you will be using.
Standard AC output wallwart
Single phase, two wire, wallwarts or linelumps need to use half wave rectification so the
Oakley PSU can generate both positive and negative supplies simultaneously. They only need
the terminal's AC1 and 0V1 wired to the power socket. AC2 and 0V2 are left unused.
Wallwart with single phase AC output.
The front panel switch is a single pole single throw (SPST) switch which simply connects S1R
and S1S together when switched on. You can replace the switch with a simple wire link, but I
do recommend that a switch be fitted so the socket doesn't have to take the full surge current
when you insert it with the wallwart powered up.
I also recommend fitting the AC indicator LED too. This is so you know the wallwart or
linelump is on. The AC indicator is designed to indicate the status of incoming power and is
not determined by the position of the standby switch.
The standby switch should not be used to turn the unit off permanently. This should be done
by either switching the adapter off at the mains socket, or by pulling the adapter's plug out of
the mains socket.
An optional 0V or grounding connection can be made. See later for more details.