Obtain an 22x10 or 23x8 propeller for running-in.
1. Running-in on the ground
Start the engine
Set the needle-valve 200-300r.p.m. lower than
maximum r.p.m. setting and run approx, 10 seconds.
(It is suggested to use a tachometer.)
Open the needle-valve approx. 200r.p.m. lower than
above setting and run approx. 20 seconds.
Repeat above procedure, i.e., richening and leaning the
mixture until the engine has approx. 10 minutes of running
Keep the throttle fully open, using only the needle-valve to
change r.p.m. Prolonged running-in on the ground is not
suggested because the purpose is just initial running-in
to increace engine temperature gradually close to that of
maximam r.p.m.
2. Running-in in the air
Start the engine
Fly the model.
NOTE: Avoid prolonged heavy load flight.
With each successive flight, close the needle-valve slightly,
until, at the end of 10 flights, the needle-valve is set for
optimum position.
Finish running-in.
The carburetor can now be adjusted for optimum throttle
performance following the instructions given in the next
Set the needle-valve approx 45 open from
optimum position (approx. 45 open from
maximum r.p.m.).
RUNNING-IN ("Breaking-in")
Needle-valve adjustment
Adjust the needle-valve following the instructions given in
STARTING section.
Mixture control valve adjustment
The carburetor of your enigine has been factory set for the
approximate best result with the fuel tank located in the normal
position (i.e. close to the back of the engine and where the
level of the needle-valve is at 1/3 height of the tank,refer to
Page11), but the setting may, in some cases, vary slightly in
accordance with fuel and climatic conditions.
After running-in is completed and the needle-valve is set at
optimum position (approx 45 open from maximum r.p.m.
position), check the idle speed and adjust only when
Rotor Guide Screw
Carburetor Insert
Carburetor Rotor
Installation of the carburetor insert
1. Remove the Rotor Guide Screw.
2. Pull out the Carburetor Rotor.
3. Insert the Carburetor Insert (Be aware of direction.)
4. Reinstall them in the reverse order.
Note that a fuel containing higher nitromethane and
lubricant makes it difficult to judge reactions when opening
and closing the needle, and shortens stable idle running
Never use a fuel containing more than 15% nitromethane, or
correct carburetor adjustments cannot be done and the
tendency for rust will increase.
An approximate 1,500rpm idle speed is possible. However, it
is suggested to set the speed higher than 1,800rpm for more
idle reliability.