It is of vital importance, before attempting to operate
your engine, to read the general 'SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
AND WARNINGS' in the following section and to strictly
adhere to the advice contained therein.
Also, please study the entire contents of this
instruction manual, so as to familiarize yourself with
the controls and other features of the engine.
The advice which follows is grouped under two
headings according to the degree of damage or
danger which might arise through misuse or neglect.
These cover events which might involve serious
(in extreme circumstances, even fatal) injury.
These cover the many other possibilities, generally less
obvious sources of danger, but which, under certain
circumstances, may also cause damage or injury.
Remember that your engine is not a " toy ", but a
highly efficient internal-combustion machine whose
power is capable of harming you, or others, if it is
misused. As owner, you, alone, are responsible for
the safe operation of your engine, so act with
discretion and care at all times. If at some future
date, your O.S. engine is acquired by another
person, we would respectfully request that these
instructions are also passed on to its new owner.
Never operate your engine in an enclosed space.
Model engines, like automobile engines, exhaust
deadly carbon-monoxide. Run your engine only
in an open area.
Never touch, or allow any object to come
into contact with, the rotating parts.
Model engine fuel is also highly flammable.
Keep it away from open flame, excessive
heat, sources of sparks, or anything else
which might ignite it. Do not smoke or allow
anyone else to smoke, near to it.
Model engines generate considerable
heat. Do not touch any part of your
engine until it has cooled. Contact with
the muffler (silencer), cylinder head or
exhaust header pipe, in particular, may
result in a serious burn.
Model engine fuel is poisonous. Do not
allow it to come into contact with the eyes
or mouth. Always store it in a clearly marked
container and out of the reach of children.
This engine was designed for model helicopters.
Do not attempt to use it for any other purpose.
Mount the engine in your model securely, following
the manufacturers' recommendations, using appropriate
screws and locknuts.
Install an effective silencer (muffler). Frequent close
exposure to a noisy exhaust (especially in the case of
the more powerful high-speed engines) may eventually
impair your hearing and such noise is also likely to
cause annoyance to others over a wide area.
Check the linkage to the throttle arm before each flight.
After starting the engine, carry out any needle-valve
readjustments after stopping the rotor by closing the
throttle to the lowest r.p.m.. Stop the engine before
attempting to make other adjustments to the carburetor.
Use an electric starter. The wearing of safety glasses
is also strongly recommended.
Press the rotor head down securely.
Take care that the glow plug clip or battery leads do
not come into contact with rotating parts.
Adjust the throttle linkage so that the engine stops
when the throttle stick and trim lever on the
transmitter are fully retarded. Alternatively, the
engine may be stopped by cutting off the fuel supply.
Never try to stop the engine physically.
Take care that loose clothing (ties, shirt sleeves,
scarves etc.) do not come into contact with the rotor.
Do not carry loose objects (such as pencils, screwdriv-
ers, etc.) in a shirt pocket from where they could fall
through the rotor disc.
For their safety, keep all onlookers (especially small
children) well back (at least 20 feet or 6 metres) when
preparing your model for flight. If you have to carry the
model to the take-off point with the engine running, be
especially cautious. Hold the rotor securely and keep
well clear of spectators.
Warning! lmmediately after a glowplug-ignition
engine has been run and is still warm, conditions
sometimes exist whereby it is just possible for the
engine to restart when turned over WITHOUT the
glowplug battery being reconnected. Remember this
if you wish to avoid the risk of accidents.
Linking the throttle servo to the carburetor
Link the throttle servo to the carburetor using
the throttle lever supplied. Throttle control rod
A and B should be equal length. Set the
linkage so that the servo output lever and
throttle lever are parallel when the throttle
stick on the transmitter is at middle position.
Installing hole intervals on the F lever and on
the J lever are different. Decide the lever to
use according to the servo used. Be sure to
cut off another lever to avoid any interference.
Note on heating the glow plug
The heatsink head on the engine is treated with
an anodized finish which does not conduct
current. Therefore, when heating a glow plug,
connect one lead to the glow plug and the other
to the head or cover plate retaining screw.
Avoid sudden high r.p.m. immediately after the
engine is started, as the clutch will engage and you
may be struck by the rotor.
Heatsink Head
Typr 40L
Propeller nut
Beam Mount
High Speed
Needle Valve
Fuel Inlet
Mixture Control Valve
Throttle Lever
Idle Mixture Control Screw
Mixture Control
Valve Stopper
Thrust Washer
Carburetor Rubber Gasket
Medium Speed
Needle Valve
Cover Plate
Glow Plug No.8
This is a high performance engine expressly
designed for 50 size helicopters. Since engine
mounting and muffler mounting bolt patterns are
the same as the 50SX-H Hyper, it can be installed
in the existing 50 size helicopters.
Newly designed 40L carburetor enables to adjust
idling, hovering and high speed independently.
Close to 60 size power offers wide power range
suitable for sport flight as well as 3D flight.
When the governor function from Futaba GY-701 or
GY-750 gyro is employed, the Futaba BPS-1 Back
Plate Sensor can be installed in a cell on the back
plate. By employing the governor function, more
stable flight can be achieved.
The engine mounting bolt hole size of the 55HZ
Hyper is 3.7mm the same as that for the 50SXH
Hyper. Use 3mm Allen type screws for securing
the engine to the engine mounts.
Note on engine installation
Notes on installing cooling fan and clutch
Do not use a tool which
locks piston when installing
a cooling-fan and clutch, or
top of the piston may be
damaged. Also, do not insert
a screw driver or the similar
into the exhaust port.
Do not grip the engine mounting beams with a
vise, or the crankcase will be distorted which
will result in engine breaking.
Because of this initial tightness, a standard
electric starter may have difficulty in rotating the
engine when cold, before it has been adequately
run-in. In this case, use a high-torque type starter.
Do not over-prime. This could cause a hydraulic
lock and damage the engine on application of the
electric starter.
If over-primed, remove glowplug, close needle-valve
and apply starter to pump out surplus fuel. Cover
the head with a rag to prevent pumped out fuel
from getting into your eyes.
Beam Mount
It is recommended to use
Crankshaft Clamp 3246
(CodeNo.71530400) available
as an optional tool.
As delivered, the engine has the carburetor
lightly fit into the intake. Secure it changing
the angle according to the model.
55HZ Hyper
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