THE MAX-10LA,15LA,25LA have been developed to
meet the requirements of beginners and sport
Of modern design and having a separate needle-
valve unit mounted at the rear, where manual
adjustment is safely remote from the rotating
propeller, they offer the advantages of reliability
and easy handling, at lower cost. Like all O.S.
engines they are built to standards of engineering
excellence that have evolved through more than 60
years' experience in the design and production of
model internal-combustion engines. Advanced
modern precision machinery, top quality materials
and the efforts of highly skilled craftsmen and
technicians are combined to ensure a continuation
of the levels of performance, durability and
reliability for which O.S. is world famous.
The 'midnight blue' external finish may be
decolorized by very high surface temperature or
by certain solvents. Such decolorization does not
affect engine perfor-mance, however.
Cylinder head
Silicone Tubing
Propeller nut
Propeller washer
Drive Hub
Needle valve
Cover Plate
Fuel outlet
Fuel inlet
Connect the short length of fuel tubing supplied
securely between the fuel outlet and the fuel inlet. In
the event of the tubing becoming damaged, it should
be replaced with a suitable length of best quality 5mm
ODX2mm ID silicone tubing. Use similar material to
connect the fuel inlet nipple to the fuel tank.