8, Giovanni Falcone - 42048 Rubiera (RE) - Italy Tel.+39(0)522/629371 - 629923 Fax +39(0)522/628980
E-mail:[email protected] Web-site:www.omacpompe.com
Rev.1 del 05/2012 O.M.A.C. s.r.l.
Technical features of the C CF Series pump...................................................................................................................................... pag. 5
Curves of performance ...................................................................................................................................................................... pag. 7-22
C100 with gear rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 8
.............................................................. pag. 7
C110 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 8
C115 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 9
C115 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 10
C220 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 11
C220 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 12
C270 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 13
C270 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 14
C325 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 15
C325 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 16
C330 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 17
C330 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 18
C390 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 19
C390 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 20
C570 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and standard tolerance (LI-ST) code 0
.............................................................. pag. 21
C570 with 4-lobe rotor in AISI 316L and increased tolerance (LI-SM) code 1 .............................................................. pag. 22