Note: International dialing code of some networks is not "+" sign, please discretion.
4.4 Answer the call
If there have an incoming call, press the dial key to answer the phone, hang up the keys to reject a
press the hang up key to end the call.
4.5 adjust the volume
During the call you can press the joystick's left and right to adjust the volume.
4.6 Talk hands-free
During the call you can press the right function key to opened or closed hands-free.
4.7 Call waiting
Conference call feature requires opening Call Waiting
If the network supports call waiting and you
start this feature
During a call when there are new calls you will hear the call waiting tone, you can answer
or reject the new call. Enter the "call waiting" feature to enable or disable call waiting.
4.8 Call options
In the state of calling, press the left function key to enter the call option.
you can only see the call option during a tall, and call waiting, call holding, conference and other
function requires network support, please contact your network provider.
IN call option
You are able to maintain / restore, end the call and other operations.
5 SIM card
SIM card Kit, Is in the large capacity SIM card in GSM mobile phone use to develop applications