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© NXP B.V. 2018. All rights reserved.
User Manual
Rev. 1.1 — 24 September 2018
6 of 16
NXP Semiconductors
User Manual
3. Getting
This section describes how the operation of the factory programmed demo program, and
how to set up your board for code development with MCUXpresso IDE and/or third party
3.1 Initial setup and pre-programmed demo program
The LPCXpresso804 board is pre-programmed with a diagnostic demo program, which
tests various features of the board. This program utilizes the UART LPC804 output, which
is connected to the debug probe, which acts a serial to USB bridge to a host computer (as
well as providing the CMSIS-DAP debug interface.) To ensure a correct operation, a
VCOM serial port driver should be installed before powering the board when using
Windows 7 or 8 driver. This driver is available from
under the Software and Tools tab (look under “Software” download types). After
downloading and unzipping the package, run the installer program provided to install the
driver (see installation notes included in the package for further information.)
Connect a micro USB cable from connector CN2 to a host computer or power supply to
power up the board and run the demo program. Open a terminal emulator program (such
as Teraterm or PuTTY), and look for a port with a name of the form “NXP LPC11Uxx
VCOM ...”, and connect to it. Set the serial port for 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity.
The Blue user LED will flash 3 times, then the green LED will flash 3 times, and the
terminal will display “HelloWorld”, followed by “Press key to start LED test ...”
Press the ISP button (S2). The green and blue user LEDs will flash, then each LED
will be lit in turn twice before all three blink 3 times. The terminal will show “DONE”.
The terminal will show “Press key to start SpiFlash test”. Press the ISP button. The
LEDs will blink as the test is run, and the SPI flash device ID and name will be shown
on the terminal.
The terminal will show “Press key to start I2cTemperature test ...”. Press the ISP
button to run this test, which checks communication with the LM75 temperature
The terminal will show “Press key to start ADC Potentiometer test ...”. Press the ISP
button to run this test. The test checks the LPC804 ADC and potentiometer (VR1),
looking for the ADC reading to change at least once as it takes 6 samples over
several seconds. Use the supplied screwdriver to adjust VR1 so the test passes.
3.2 Using the board with MCUXpresso IDE
Once the device drivers have been installed (as described above), to use the board during
a debug session in MCUXpresso IDE, connect to the host computer then follow the steps
The earliest version of MCUXpresso IDE that should be used is version 10.1.1. This
version does not have built-in knowledge of the LPC804 part family, so a patch needs to
be installed before attempting to use this board. The patch is available from the same
page as the MCUXpresso IDE download. From version 10.2 onwards (due for release in
Q2 2018) LPC804 will be built into the IDE and the patch will not be required.