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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 13: LPC82x USART0/1/2
When DMA is used to perform USART data transfers, other mechanisms can be used to
generate interrupts when needed. For instance, completion of the configured DMA
transfer can generate an interrupt from the DMA controller. Also, interrupts for special
conditions, such as a received break, can still generate useful interrupts.
13.7.3 Synchronous mode
Synchronous mode transmit and receive operate at the incoming clock rate in
slave mode and the BRG selected rate (not divided by 16) in master mode.
13.7.4 Flow control
The USART supports both hardware and software flow control. Hardware flow control
The USART supports hardware flow control using RTS and/or CTS signalling. If RTS is
configured to appear on a device pin so that it can be sent to an external device, it
indicates to an external device the ability of the receiver to receive more data.
If connected to a pin, and if enabled to do so, the CTS input can allow an external device
to throttle the USART transmitter.
shows an overview of RTS and CTS within the USART. Software flow control
Software flow control could include XON / XOFF flow control, or other mechanisms. these
are supported by the ability to check the current state of the CTS input, and/or have an
interrupt when CTS changes state (via the CTS and DELTACTS bits, respectively, in the
STAT register), and by the ability of software to gracefully turn off the transmitter (via the
TXDIS bit in the CTL register).
13.7.5 Autobaud function
The autobaud functions attempts to measure the start bit time of the next received
character. For this to work, the measured character must have a 1 in the least significant
bit position, so that the start bit is bounded by a falling and rising edge. The measurement
is made using the current clocking settings, including the oversampling configuration. The
Fig 22. Hardware flow control using RTS and CTS
change detect