NXP Semiconductors
PNEV5190B evaluation board quick start guide
5.2.5 EMVCo loopback application
The NFC Cockpit offers the option to start applications on the K82 firmware. The default
application, as provided with the standard K82 firmware, allows running an EMVCo
Loopback function.
The EMVCo Loopback can be started by selecting the < EMVCo Loop Back (digital)>
and then pressing the <Start Secondary Firmware> button (see
runs on the PNEV5190B independently from the PC, but can be stopped by pressing the
<Stop Secondary Firmware> button.
1. Start the EMVCo application with <Start Secondary Firmware>
Figure 24. NFC Cockpit with EMVCo loopback App
5.3 NFC Reader Library support of the PN5190
NXP provides a library to support users in developing an NFC application. The library is
available in the PN5190 SW release package.
NXP NFC Reader Library is written in C language, and it is shared as source code.
Therefore it can be ported to almost any µC.
5.3.1 Import library and demo application to the MCUXpresso IDE
This chapter explains how to use the MCUXpresso IDE tool to build the NFC Reader
Library demo applications.
As a first step, extract the zipped library package
(“NxpNfcRdLib_06.03.00_20200512.zip”, or higher) to an empty folder and follow steps
described below.
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© NXP B.V. 2021. All rights reserved.
Application note
Rev. 1.5 — 23 April 2021
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