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NW Explorations
the ‘Rules of the Road,’ and basic skills of navigation, boat handling, and interpretation of
weather conditions. This knowledge can be gained through powerboat training classes offered
by NW Explorations.
Motor yachts are propelled and control with complicated equipment. This manual is intended
to provide a ‘working’ explanations of how these systems operate. For an in
-depth explanation
of how a particular system operates, you are encouraged to study the manuals that can be
found onboard, or on the internet. For example, to fully understand the use of electronic
navigation systems, we recommend reviewing instructional videos that can be viewed at the
manufacturer’s website or, on YouTube.
NW Explorations assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions of this operating manual
and represents only that the writings and illustrations herein represent our “best efforts” to
provide a comprehensive overview of the vessel, so that it can be operated by a person who
has the necessary experience and/or training to operate such a vessel given the additional
information herein.
You should be aware that this operating manual is provided as a convenience to the owners,
crew members, and guests on this vessel, and is not complete in every detail. Given the
complexity of this boat and its systems, it is not possible that all conditions, contingencies, and
operating details can be included, both because of space limitations and because of ordinary
oversight as contingencies are speculated upon by NW Explorations. Likewise, it is possible
either through oversight and/or changes in the vessel because of additions, modifications, or
deletions to or of equipment since publication of this manual, that items discussed will operate
differently than described, be absent from the vessel, or be added to the vessel without
discussion in this volume.
As a vessel owner, crew member or charter guest on this vessel, you are here at your own risk,
and it is your responsibility to be trained and prepared to operate the vessel. If you do not feel
competent to undertake any or all operations detailed in this operating manual, contact NW
Explorations for addition training.