Low Crossover Point
Our crossover point is particularly low at 1500Hz. While this is too low for most tweeters to operate safely, our tweeter has an
extremely low resonance frequency, and we achieved optimal performance by adding an additional 6dB of electrical
attenuation to our tweeter. This low crossover point helps raise the soundstage for a more natural stereo image, while also
reducing potential phase anomalies caused by the distance between the tweeter and midwoofer.
Bi-Amplification Enabled Design
Some audiophiles prefer an extra level of control to mold the sound to their taste. The low-pass and high-pass filters on
our crossover are completely isolated, enabling you to amplify the tweeters and midwoofers separately while minimizing
the risk of both harmonic and intermodulation distortion. Our crossover is exceptionally optimized for both the drivers
and the automotive environment, and we are confident that the results from passive bi-amplification of the X-Series are
superior to any active setup.
Unique Protection Technologies
Through innovative engineering, we were able to integrate several unique technologies which offer an unparalleled level
of protection for any tweeter, midwoofer and even amplifier attached. Our engineers adapted techniques used in
professional and home audio to design the world’s premier car audio crossover.