4-10 AMD Platform RAID Function Installation
Step 1.
Please get into the location: BIOS setup \ Integrated Peripherals \ Onchip IDE function
RAID Config, select RAID and enable the RAID function. After the System reboots,
you can find the AMD RAID IDE ROM BIOS windows appear. It will ask you to “Press
F10 to enter RAID setup utility …“ ?
Please press “F10” key to RAID utility in the Media Shield BIOS—Define a New Array
shown up:
Select the disks you want to enable the RAID function. Add then from Free Disks to
Array Disks with navigate key
or +. You could remove the added disks from Array
Disks with navigate key
or -, if you want to cancel the previous setting.
Users can select RAID Mold from the following items with navigate keys
1. Mirrored
2. Stripped (RAID 0
3. Stripped Mirrorred
RAID 0+1
4. Spanned
And when Stripe Block is highlighted, users can choose from
8K/16K/32K/64K/128K/Optimal with the navigate key:
Then press F7 and the following dialogue should appear: All data on new(or
added)disks may be overwritten. Continue? Press Enter to overwrite the data:
Another dialogue: Clear MBR? appears, press Enter and the second window should