Welcome to the NuvoH2O Family
of Whole-Home Water Softener Systems.
Congratulations on your purchase of the NuvoH2O Home Duo System. A premium carbon filter improves your water's taste. And, instead of
using salt or potassium to soften your home's water, NuvoH2O uses CitraCharge—a proprietary, all-natural citrus formulation to soften and
condition your home's water. Initially developed for the foodservice industry in the early 1980s, this technology has been solving complex
water problems for some of the nation's largest businesses.
You are about to enjoy healthier, better tasting, and softer water that both prevents and removes hard water buildup that clogs and corrodes
water heaters, appliances, and plumbing fixtures—each critical to your home and expensive to replace.
What to Expect from Your Home Duo System
The Home Duo System softens and improves your water’s taste. It prevents hard water buildup by binding naturally occurring minerals
without removing them. Naturally mineralized water is healthy and is not affected by the NuvoH2O softening process.
NuvoH2O-softened water requires less soap in your dishwasher and less detergent when doing laundry. In fact, you can decrease up to half
the amount of both. Avoid using pre-soaks or rinse-aids since too much of either can cause a fine white film or spots to form on dishes.
This spotting can also be aggravated by some of the non-phosphate detergents found in many states.
The Home Duo System’s softener cartridge is supplemented by the taste filter. The taste filter removes chlorine, providing a notable
improvement in your water’s taste and smell.
The NuvoH2O’s Home Duo System was created foremost with optimum efficacy and simple design; offering both superior, eco-friendly
water softening with solutions for other common water issues. Systems do not require drains, electricity, calibration, and require little
maintenance. Since the softening formula is citric-acid based, an FDA-approved ingredient, it is safe for all household uses, including
drinking, bathing, and watering plants