Scheduling (MPS4-E):
Note that this tab is the only place a scheduled event can
be created or deleted.
This is a utility for creating time, zone, and music selection specific events. The “Add New Schedule”will open a second
window for setting the specific parameters of the event
. Any number of scheduled events can be created. Once they are set, they become a
default recurring function. There is also an option for cancelling scheduled events.
, Fig. 23
Contributing Computers:
Network Content (Elite only):
Listed here are all computers synced to the Music Port. To remove a contributing computer click the ‘X’listed
to the left of the computer name. This will remove all content contributed by this computer.
The Music Port Elite can stream content from Network Attached Storage (NAS) drives. This is very useful
for users that have a large library of uncompressed music already located on a separate drive on the network. The “Add Network Content”
button allows you to select the desired content location, Fig. 22.
Fig. 22
Fig. 23