Nuvair PRO TRIMIX Quick Start Manual Download Page 3

6 VDC Power adapter 

On the portable model the AC Power Input Port is adjacent to the ON/OFF-BATT switch. On the wall mount 
unit the input connection is on the right side the enclosure. See adjacent photo. 

Note:   Use only the correct power adapter for your location. 

Gas Connections 

Portable model:

 The portable model is supplied with 

a 3/16” vinyl hose connected to the inlet port and 
adapters for taking a gas sample from the inflator 
hose (See Figure 1). An optional flow restrictor is 
available for sampling gas directly from cylinders. 
(See Figure 2)


Wall Mount:

 Do to the complexity of the wall mount 

sampling system please refer to the user’s manual for 
instillation details. 


Note:   The sample gas must be flowing to accurately 

calibrate the instrument 

Oxygen sensor 



Using a source of dry air adjust the flow until you can just 
detected the gas flow with your finger. Connect gas line to 
the analyzer input port.  



When the oxygen display reading stabilizes (approximately 
1 minute) adjust the oxygen display to read 20.9% using the 
O2 Span control on the front panel. Note: The highest 
degree of accuracy is achieved by using 100% oxygen and 
adjusting the reading to 100. 

Helium sensor 

The Helium sensor is supplied fully calibrated and should not 
require adjustment for approximately 30 days. For calibration 
information please refer to the instruction manual



To operate the




Turn the power on. 



Attach the sample line using the supplied adapters and 
allow the gas to flow into the instrument at 1-2 LPM.   
If the readings on the LCD display appear wrong shut 
the gas off and observe readings. If they drop within a 
few seconds the gas flow is too high.  Reduce flow or 
use the cylinder valve to turn the gas on and off until a 
stable reading is achieved. 


