models nwh
• nwh
c •
• nrkrwh
5. Be sure all power cables entering the transformer enclosure(s)
are secured with cable strain reliefs.
6. Tuck the cables into the transformer enclosure(s) followed
by the transformer on its mounting plate. secure the
transformer(s) and enclosure(s) to the rough-in with the
screws supplied as seen in the next figure.
2. Fish the long end of the antenna wire up through the right
hole in the top of the rough-in, up the stud bay, through a
hole in the ceiling plate, and up into the attic. Pull all the wire
through until the ferrite filter lays inside the wall housing on
the right side as shown in the following figure.
AnTennA InsTAllATIon
the nM200/nM100 requires two antennas, one for aM and one
for FM reception. the aM antenna is a simple 25-foot length of
wire with an in-line ferrite filter to reduce interference. The FM
antenna is a 25 foot length of coax with a “t” shaped wire dipole
at one end that attaches between rafters in the attic.
IMPoRtant: Isolate the antenna leads from the intercom
station cables by running them through a separate hole in the
ceiling plate and through the right hole in the top of the rough-
in. If grouped together, the intercom station cables can shield
the antenna leads resulting in poor radio reception. also keep
the antenna leads away from metal duct work and aluminum
backed insulation, which also can reduce reception.
1. unroll and examine the 25-foot aM antenna wire. to install
the ferrite bead on the aM antenna, open the ferrite bead,
grasp the wire approximately 1” from the end of the wire and
wrap the wire around the bead a minimum of 6 times. close
and latch bead, as shown in the following figure. This portion
of the aM antenna will remain in the rough-in and will connect
to the nM200/nM100 aM antenna terminal. the long end of
the wire is the antenna that goes up into the attic.
note: Failure to install the ferrite bead may cause interference
with other electronic devices.
3. unroll and examine the FM antenna. the antenna is formed
by spreading the red and black wires at the end of the coax.
the terminal lug at the end of each wire is for screw mounting
the wires outstretched.
4. Fish the connector end of the antenna coax down through the
hole in the ceiling plate, down the stud bay, and into the hole
on the top right side of the rough-in. leave about one foot of
coax extending into the rough-in. See previous figure.
The antenna adjustment and final installation will be completed
during the nM200/nM100 master installation.
Indoor remoTe sTATIon roUgh-In InsTAllATIon
1. at each remote station location, nail or screw a Model
NRKR200R Remote Station Rough-in about 52” above the
floor level as shown in the next figure.