Mac computer USB input setting
1. Power on NuPrime DAC-9H, select USB input. The device will enumerate as a USB Audio device
on your Mac.
3. The sample rate of the device can be selected using the drop down menu.
4. The audio is also output over SPDIF.
To run the NuPrime DAC-9H on Mac– PCM:
1. Install playback software on MAC.
Ex: Audirvana (
4. SPDIF output is not working on DSD playback.
To run the NuPrime DAC-9H on Mac– DSD:
Windows computer USB input setting
1. Please visit the official website
and download the latest driver.
2. Connect computer to USB DAC and power on NuPrime DAC-9H, select USB DAC input. The device
will enumerate as a USB Audio device on your PC.
3. Install the latest driver just download via NuPrime website.
To run the NuPrime DAC-9H on Windows – PCM:
1. Install playback software on Windows.
Ex: Foobar media player
To run the NuPrime DAC-9H on Windows – DSD