Confirm it or set the number of the desired program by means of the numerical buttons: by pressing button
START positioning will start, otherwise the first position, or positions, to reach will appear on the display of
position by confirming with ENTER; press ENTER again and visualization will show the second cycle and so
Then press START button and positining will start from the visualized positioning.
If before pressing START or during the execution of the program You press again AUTOMATIC button, the
led , already light up on this button, will start flashing, thus showing that the program will be executed in
CONTINUOUS mode; at the end of program, it will be carried out again until You press button AUTOMATIC
and the relative led will stop flashing.
When the positioning of the first programmed cycle has been carried out, according to the installed software ,
PRG 920 awaits that the INCREASE CYCLE contact closes so many times as programmed in the cycle
repetitions , in order to position itself according to the second cycle and so on, or in automatic mode after
positioning of the first cycle has been completed, it passes to the positioning of the second cycle and so on.
When choosing the number of program, in case the selected number is not accepted, it means that the
requested program is without any data.
By using button STOP it is possible to interrupt positioning in every moment and the display of cycles and
programs will start flashing.
By pressing button START it's possible to start the program again.
By pressing again button STOP , the execution of the program will be interrupted and display of programs will
show the number of the last executed program, thus allowing the new execution of the program or the
selection of a new one.
By pressing again button STOP , it is possible to return in manual mode.
In every moment, when the program is being carried out, the display of cycles shows the number of cycle
which is being executed and the display of programs will show the number of program.
This is a contact that closes for about 0,5 seconds each time that a program in execution has been
concluded , it means it concludes its last cycle.
Ok position is a contact that during movements opens and closes after the positioning has been executed. It
remains open if the positioning has not reached a positive result, in semiautomatic mode if the counter of cuts
has reached the value prevously setted, in automatic way at the end of each program in programming mode
and when entering the machine constants.
This is a contact which opens its own contact when PRG 920 is in MANUAL and SEMIAUTOMATIC mode
and closes it when positioner is in AUTOMATIC mode.
When this input is closed all the programmed repetitions are counted.
At each closing, the counter is increased of one unit.
This input repeats the function of the button placed on the frontal.
It repeats the function of the button placed on the frontal , with the only difference that each time this input is
gated, the positioner returns on manual mode.
This input must be connected to a contact normally closed.
Gating a contact which closes each time a movement starts and opens about 0,5 seconds after the end of
the movement.
Each axis may be equipped with this contact.