Adjustments for Stamping
1. Lower the table, by rotating the elevation nut counter-clockwise, until the
marking device can easily be inserted in the dovetail ram.
2. Place the material to be stamped or trial sample in the nameplate clamp or
3. KEEPING BOTH HANDS CLEAR OF THE TABLE, depress the air valve
lever. Hold the lever in the down position until the arm head stops. If the
marking device begins to touch the surface, lower the table further, until the
ram head is in its full down position.
4. With the lever still depressed, raise the table until it touches the marking
device. Release the lever.
5. Raise the table very slightly (1/16 of a turn at a time). Depress the air valve
lever. Release and check the impression. If the impression is not deep
enough, keep rotating the elevation nut and checking the impression until a
satisfactory stamp is achieved.
6. The air pressure can be lowered to obtain a satisfactory stamping once the
above is accomplished. This will protect the work piece in the event the table
is raised too high. The air pressure should not exceed 80 psi. Once the above
is done at 80 psi, back off the air pressure until a satisfactory stamping is
produced. If the table is accidentally moved up, the press will stall at this
pressure, and the part will be stamped without any damage.
7. Once adjusted the Model 136A is ready for stamping. Minor adjustments may
be required due to variations in the thickness of the part.
1. Oil holes are provided in the following places:
a. On the top of the ram head (136A-90)
b. On the rocker arm (136A-180), as follows: above the rocker arm shaft
(136A-62) and above the piston rod yoke shaft (136A-190).
Use a few drops of light oil in these places if the surface appears dry. Oil daily if
the press is in continuous service.
2. The air cylinder has a permanent grease coating. If you use an FRL and add
oil to the lubricator, the cylinder must be continuously lubricated from then on.
As oil will wash away the grease coating. If you do add oil to the lubricator, it
should be kept supplied with light non-synthetic oil.
Revision # 2.1
July 23, 2004