GENERAL: Equipped with a sealed waste cartridge containing an integral HEPA
filter, tested and certified for its filtration efficiency, the HZC390 offers a safe &
convenient cleaning solution for tradesmen whose work brings them into
occasional contact with hazardous dusts and materials.
With rear wheels and folding pull-handle the HZC390 is easy to transport across
rough surfaces, light enough to carry up stairs, small enough to use in space
restricted areas such as lofts and floor voids and has powerful long-distance reach
courtesy of its high suction motor which allows up to 15 metres vacuum hose
(38mm) to be attached to the inlet. The HZC390 is engineered to meet the technical
and filtration standards required for collecting non-explosive hazardous dusts and materials.
CAUTION: This equipment operates using 110v - as with all electrical equipment care and attention must
be exercised. This machine is for dry use only and must not be used or stored in wet conditions. Do not
use this equipment for the collection of explosive dusts or biological agents; do not use in a flammable or
explosive atmosphere. Do not leave this equipment unattended when in operation.
This equipment utilizes a sealed-for-life waste cartridge to collect dust.
The cartridge cannot be opened for emptying; once full return the
complete vacuum cleaner for exchange.
OPERATION: The vacuum can be carried or pulled along on wheels; to
extend the trolley handle – swing the handle upwards until vertical and
lock in place by pushing the black plastic harness down. Connect the
vacuum to a 110v power supply using the 16A 110v trailing plug. If
using extension cables these should not exceed 30m (approx. 100 feet)
in length and must be of at least 2.5mm
conductor cross section.
An On/Off switch is fitted to the vacuum handle. Switch the vacuum
“ON” and immediately remove the inlet dust cap; connect a vacuum
hose - a variety of brush / nozzle accessories are available - enquire to
the supplying depot for accessories / hose length options.
LOW FLOW INDICATOR: The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a low-airflow warning indicator; this is a
light fitted within the handle of the vacuum cleaner which will flash when the airflow is low [high airflow is
necessary for effective cleaning]. If the light flashes check the following:
Inlet dust cap not removed ?
Remove cap
Vacuum hose blocked ?
Clear hose
Waste cartridge nearly full ?
Return vacuum to supplier
Do not continue to operate the vacuum cleaner when the vac hose is obstructed
or if the “low-flow” warning lamp is continuously flashing; you may cause the
motor to overheat or suffer damage.
AFTER USE: When you finish using the vacuum we recommend
you plug or tape the open end of the hose (image right). When
disconnecting the hose from the machine refit the dust cap to the
vac inlet, then switch the vacuum OFF; disconnect the vacuum
cleaner from the power supply.
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