Page 21
Models NOL/NOR Modulating Revision 101199B
Check the operation of the air pressure switch,
Failure of the switch to operate prevents the oil
pump from starting.
Flame Occurs Followed by Immediate
Check the PE cell and the air regulator for correct
operation. Check that the oil pressures are correct.
If necessary, check and clean the preheater hot oil
filter, ensure that there is sufficient oil in the stor-
age tank, bleed the oil pump in case it is partially
air-locked. Check to ensure that all stop/fire valves
in the supply line are fully open. Check residual
fuel oil temperature check the ring main for cor-
rect operation in respect of temperature and pres-
The Burner Starts With The Correct Oil
Pressure But No Flame Appears
Check the ignition system, HT lead connections,
electrode gap and the condition of the electrode
insulators. Check that the nozzle cut off is func-
tioning and that the air damper cable is not bro-
ken or disconnected (the air regulator will be fully
It is important to note that continued re-
setting of the burner should be avoided as this
can lead to a dangerous situation.
Modulating System
If malfunction of the modulating controller (RWF
32) is suspected, check that only compatible com-
ponents such as the range insert and pressure/tem-
perature detector have been used. If problems
persist then replacement of the unit should be
Burner Commissioning Sheet
This manual contains a record of the essential in-
formation and will have been completed by the
commissioning engineer with individual details of
the burner. These details should be verified peri-
odically and adjusted if variations are noted. Com-
missioning details must also be recorded in the
appliance logbook
Danfoss Series KSA Fuel Pumps
The pump dataplate gives direction of rotation and
connection port details.
P = nozzle line connection.
S = suction line connection.
R = return line connection.
The pump is also fitted with two measuring ports,
Pn for nozzle pressure and Ps for suction/feed pres-
Ports P, Pn and S, Ps become opposite hand when
pump rotation is reversed.
Fig. 3. on page 22 shows the respective connec-
tions for counter-clockwise pumps, as viewed from
the shaft side.
A hydraulic pressure-regulating valve is built into
the pump to maintain constant pump pressure,
however the valve has no cut-off function.
All KSA pumps are designed for 2-pipe operation
and therefore should always be connected to the
return line on the fuel supply system. When using
a positive pressure single pipe system, as on distil-
late fuel, the return port is connected to the sup-
ply in the form of an external bypass.
Suntec Series TA Fuel Pumps
Refer to fig. 4. on page 22 for the respective con-
nection details.
A hydraulic pressure-regulating valve is built into
the pump to maintain constant pump pressure. On
the TA pump the valve has a cut-off function.
Suntec TA pumps can be used on one and two
pipe systems dependant on the fitting of an inter-
nal bypass plug. The is removed for single pipe sys-
Suntec Series TV Pressure Regulating Valve
The TV valve is designed for use with the Suntec
series T fuel pumps. (Refer to fig. 5. on page 22).
This separate pressure-regulating valve, which is
installed in the nozzle line, is designed to keep
constant pressure even if the output capacity is
changed. A built in dampening device absorbs vi-
brations in the valve, effectively eliminating pulsa-
tions in the nozzle line.
Pressure adjustment for both TA and TV units is
the same.
Remove the cap nut (1), washer (2) and loosen the
locknut (4). Turning the screw (3) counter-clock-
wise will decrease the nozzle line pressure and visa-
versa. After adjustment, tighten the locknut and
refasten the washer and cap nut.
the maximum allowable pressure for model
TA5 is
30 bar